Test Suites
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6 passed, 6 total
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"testFilePath": "/home/runner/work/api-tests-jest-supertest-example/api-tests-jest-supertest-example/dist/specs/Books.test.js",
"testResults": [
"ancestorTitles": [
"Managing books"
"duration": 911,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "Managing books /GET - All books",
"location": null,
"numPassingAsserts": 0,
"status": "passed",
"title": "/GET - All books"
"ancestorTitles": [
"Managing books"
"duration": 467,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "Managing books /GET - An specific book",
"location": null,
"numPassingAsserts": 0,
"status": "passed",
"title": "/GET - An specific book"
"ancestorTitles": [
"Managing books"
"duration": 486,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "Managing books /POST - A new book",
"location": null,
"numPassingAsserts": 0,
"status": "passed",
"title": "/POST - A new book"
"ancestorTitles": [
"Managing books"
"duration": 434,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "Managing books /PUT - Update a book",
"location": null,
"numPassingAsserts": 0,
"status": "passed",
"title": "/PUT - Update a book"
"ancestorTitles": [
"Managing books"
"duration": 470,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "Managing books /DELETE - Remove a book",
"location": null,
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"status": "passed",
"title": "/DELETE - Remove a book"
"ancestorTitles": [
"Managing books"
"duration": 468,
"failureDetails": [],
"failureMessages": [],
"fullName": "Managing books /CONTRACT - Check contract of getting books",
"location": null,
"numPassingAsserts": 0,
"status": "passed",
"title": "/CONTRACT - Check contract of getting books"
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"testPathPattern": "./dist/specs/Books.test.js",
"testSequencer": "/home/runner/work/api-tests-jest-supertest-example/api-tests-jest-supertest-example/node_modules/@jest/test-sequencer/build/index.js",
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